About Studio

Studio offers complimentary in office consultations where our experts perform an in-depth space analysis of your flooring requirements. Often, we can offer solutions that will often result in a more attractive, durable and cost effective flooring alternative. We know that you will be working and walking on our craftsmanship for many years to come and we look forward to creating flooring solutions that match expectation to use. Studio creates the vision that reflects your style and budget and then delivers with the best installers in the industry.

Think of your Studio experience as the perfect marriage between creativity and execution. Our access to product guarantees that Studio can deliver any look, texture, color or feel that is available on the market today. Studio uses only the finest warranted flooring systems and products.

Studio Flooring guarantees all product and installation for the warranted life of the product as specified by the manufacturer.

Book a consultation with a Studio Floors expert today.